Upcoming Events

To Be Announced

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Past Events

New Showroom Grand Opening & Sale

May 2nd - 4th (Extended to May 11th)

Our showroom is full of new merchandise and you don't want to miss your opportunity to see it all first. We will have a 20% off sale that weekend (May 2, 3 and 4th). Come see all the wondrous sights and join in on the fun! Check out our new look and see all the new accessories, furnishings, decor and art on display. Light refreshments will be served during this event.

What a wonderful 3 day open house we have had!! We have heard so many awesome positive compliments about our new store and location. A big "thank-you" for all of you that visited with us!

2012 Festival of Trees

November 10th - 18th

We are very pleased to invite you to come and see us at the "Festival of Trees" at the Orlando Museum of Art.

For this year's theme, "Once Upon A Time... A Fairy Tale Festival", various designers will incorporate the whimsy and tradition of everyone's favorite fairy tales, along with the latest design trends, as they trim their trees into amazing holiday creations.

Festival of Trees attendees can delight in some holiday shopping in areas such as The Enchanted Boutique, Deck the Halls: Fairy Tale Forest, Fairy Tale Toyland, Entertaining by Design, and Gingerbread Village.

For more information please visit the Orlando Museum of Art's webpage here.

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